Books in PDF format. What are they and how to get them?

Books in PDF format. What are they and how to get them?

all that is explained in this article refers to a purely Italian system, which can be implemented thanks to a specific law nr. 170 of 2010 and also thanks to the Italian dyslexia association that has been fighting for years to help those with a specific learning disorder.

We thought that it is important to share this type of information since it is also from the comparison with the systems of other countries that we can find a point of reasoning and improvement.

The digital book is an indispensable tool as it allows children to work directly on the computer and use compensatory tools: thus reducing fatigue and shortening study times. It allows the child to study independently using all compensatory tools.

With the digital book you can:

highlight and take notes

create summaries of parts of the text

build concept maps

use speech synthesis (reader)

How to apply for Digital Books:

1. BECOME A MEMBER: Register with the Italian Dyslexia Association (AID) by connecting to the website and paying the annual membership fee of 40 euros.

You will be asked to fill in a form with the data of the boy / girl and parents, as well as information relating to the diagnosis and who issued it (registration number in the Register).

2. Access the area RESERVED FOR MEMBERS with the name and password that will be sent to the e-mail address indicated during registration.

3. Access the LibroAID service ( Follow the instructions on the site to search for school books using the ISBN codes (above the barcode) behind each book or on the list provided by the school.

4. Apply for digital books once you have verified that they correspond to the paper ones already purchased. They will arrive either by post on CD or, if available, can be downloaded directly to a PC or USB key.

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